Rental details

As a guest who has rented 2109 SE 16th st through Airbnb or VRBO, we understand we are responsible for any damage caused to the house during our rental. Normal wear and tear will be reported to the owner or property manager prior to leaving the property at the end of our vacation.

By filling out the form below, we are agreeing that our rental is a vacation rental for the time period rented through, VRBO or AIRbnb. We also agree that any damage caused to the house will be charged to our credit card if not covered by, AIRbnb or VRBO insurance.

Once this form is filled out, the door access code will be provide for access to the house.

  • This is required to issue a door code. the credit card will only be used if damage occurs at the house. a one time test charge of $.01 will be charged to the card